I have been missing out on a few malay shows la these few months baik kat spore or kl. Memang nak pergi, tapi aku kerja shift semua, macam dah lost track of time. Ni aku target tenacious d, kembqra main kl, cuma kau heran harga tiket search, and to hqve Kid, well..... i would pay big money for Hilaary hahaha.
Apa pun, firehouse is comig portdy, love of a lifetime ok....
I have been missing out on a few malay shows la these few months baik kat spore or kl.
Memang nak pergi, tapi aku kerja shift semua, macam dah lost track of time. Ni aku target tenacious d, kembqra main kl, cuma kau heran harga tiket search, and to hqve Kid, well..... i would pay big money for Hilaary hahaha.
Apa pun, firehouse is comig portdy, love of a lifetime ok....
Portdy ko tape ramli sq4ip ni?upload youtube la.
Ada tape bro deap tapi ada poblem takdapat full.. missing first 4 songs. Nanti try letak kat yutube.
Sila buat karangan yang penuh...
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How much did you pay for ramli sarip i.b show wahai encik portdy?
Best kan dia? Humble giler. Aku speku ramli sarip sendiri kot give instruction to make sure his hardcore fans get a chance for good seats too.
Satu amount yang tidak disangka dan diduga keaffordableannya.
Yes...my wife pun speku benda yg sama. Hehe.
hi bro kalau ade bootleg tolong uploadkan konsert ni. teringin dengar orang kota sekali lagi.
salam hangat dari kami ijin menmyimak sahabat dari kami pengrajin jaket kulit
Sayangnya rakaman 5 lagu terawal ada masalah, termasuklah lagu Orang Kota... huhuhu
hahah sayangnye... sungguh mengecewakan. tp tdk mengapa... terima kasih. :] Salam..
Salam bro,
hari tu ada tanya lagu Orang Kota Konsert Hayatkan?
Nasib baik ada backup pada recording guna handphone wife.
hope its ok for you...
im working for the rest of the concert bootleg
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